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2014-05-22 18:28:50北京工业大学北京-都柏林国际学院



  1、两国首都享有地缘优势Geographical advantages of being located in two capitals



  BDIC was founded upon the friendship between Beijing and Dublin and through close cooperation in the field of education. The college is also a symbol of the deepening friendship between the two cities. As a political, economic and cultural centre, Beijing has always been a cradle of talent where excellence is concentrated, and is now increasingly seen as one of the most influential major global cities. As a country recognized for its innovation, Ireland is counted amongst the global leaders in education. Dublin, the capital of Ireland, with more than 1,000-year history of urban development, breathtaking natural beauty, is a bustling modern city and is one of Europe's most significant economic and cultural centres.

  Recent years have seen deepening cooperation between China and Ireland in such fields as culture, education and technology and 2011 saw Beijing and Dublin become 'twin' cities. BDIC is a platform for the further development of close cooperation, friendship, innovation and educational cooperation between China and Ireland, Beijing and Dublin and BJUT and UCD. BDIC also advances innovation and educational cooperation between Beijing and Dublin

  2、名校联手实现双重学籍Dual degree




  BJUT is a key comprehensive Engineering university and the only project 211 university under the jurisdiction of the Beijing municipal government.

  UCD was founded in 1854 and has been known through the years for its pioneering and world-renowned research as well as providing a high quality of education. UCD is ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world according to the Times Higher Education and has seven Colleges, including Engineering & Architecture and Business & Law. UCD has trained the cultural, business and political elite of Ireland and has wide-ranging and close-relations with the International business community, as well as educational and research institutes.

  BDIC is able to call upon the academic resources of two universities, with senior faculty contributing to staff development. Students are registered with both BJUT and UCD and can access the resources of both institutions during their four years of study. Following successful completion of the first three years of study, BDIC students may choose to do their final year at the UCD campus in Dublin. Regardless of whether students complete their degree in Beijing or Dublin, they will graduate with a BJUT graduation certificate and bachelor degree as well as a UCD bachelor degree. High-achieving students may also be eligible to apply for UCD graduate programmes. UCD taught Masters programmes are generally one-year in length.

  3、西方教育体系融合中国高校经验Western education system blended with the experience of Chinese higher education


  BDIC combines the strong educational resources of BJUT and UCD and strives to create an ideal combination of Chinese and western education. An academic committee comprised of experts from both institutions oversees education and training, moving away from education-by-stage concepts such as 3+1 or 2+2. UCD's teaching system and programme design are used in combination with the strengths of Chinese students and the experience of Chinese education to create new programmes, which are taught through English. More than 70% of core modules are delivered by academics from UCD. BDIC aims to build an international and multi-cultural learning environment in which students can learn the skills of independent thought and critical thinking.

  4、国际舞台推动特色素质教育BDIC provides a platform for the promotion of specialized quality education



  In order to create an elite culture and promote active, open and inclusive cultural values, BDIC arranges activities including lecture series, visits and internships at well-known companies as well as foreign exchange activities. This provides a platform for students to build a multi-cultural atmosphere and improves their overall quality.

  BDIC has welcomed many distinguished visitors since it was established, including the Irish Ministers for Education & Skills and Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Irish Embassy officials and politicians and well-known cultural figures. BDIC provides many opportunities for students to interact with these visitors. In 2013, students participated in a number of activities, including an open day at the Irish Embassy in Beijing, the opening ceremony for the UCD China Alumni Association and an Irish Embassy social media event. Every year, BDIC offers scholarship opportunities for students to go to Dublin for a short visit during their vacation periods. These types of activities not only help students to improve their English, they also help to improve their outlook and overall quality which makes them better ambassadors for BDIC, showing that you really can 'study abroad in Beijing'.

  5、专业团队提供全面成长服务A professional team providing excellent service

  都柏林学院设有专职辅导员SV(Student Supervisor)团队、学业辅导团队、学术生涯导师团队、课堂助教答疑团队、心理咨询服务团队、医疗健康咨询服务团队等,为同学提供成长所需的学业辅导、心理健康咨询、职业发展咨询等全方位人性化服务。


  BDIC employs a full-time team, including student advisors, tutors, academic mentors, teaching assistants, counselors and student health officers.

  BDIC uses an information platform to provide timely and relevant information to students and parents, including academic information and other activities. The BDIC Weibo account is one of the most active amongst institutes of higher education.









[标签:高校 招生]






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