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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考总复习 > 高考知识点 > 高考英语知识点 > 【欧美经典】paris


来源:网络来源 2009-08-31 13:47:10



  coming back from paris on the train

  i really didn't care if the journey took all day

  trying to turn the pages of my magazine

  while trying to keep ahold of your hand

  and ordering a coffee that i wouldn't ever drink

  just to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  just to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  i didn't know it would be the last time

  the last time i saw you..

  at waterloo we went our seperate ways

  when i got in my cab i didn't turn and wave

  didn't go to work, just went to bed

  trying to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  trying to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  i didn't know it would be the last time

  the last time i saw you..

  phoned your office this afternoon

  they said they hadn't heard anything from you

  it's been seven days without a word

  i have to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  i have to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  i didn't know it would be the last time

  the last time i saw you..

  going back to paris on the train

  raining and without you it's not the same

  i have to do this journey one more time

  just to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  just to keep you and paris on my mind (x2)

  i didn't know it would be the last time

  the last time i saw you..(x4)

  the last time i saw you..(x4)

  the last time i saw you..(x4)

  the last time i saw you..(x4)





