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来源:网络来源 2009-08-29 22:06:27




  President Hu Jintao met here Wednesday with Macao's new chief executive Chui Sai On and expressed the central government's trust and support to him.

  "Macao is right now at a fresh historic starting point," Hu said. "As the new chief executive of the Macao Special Administration Region, you shoulder great responsibilities."

  Hu congratulated Chui on his winning of the election and his appointment by the central government.

  "The central government believes that you will stick to the principles of 'one country, two systems' and unite the new SAR government and the whole of the society to promote every aspect of Macao to a new level," he said at the central leadership compound of Zhongnanhai in downtown Beijing.

  "Practices prove that the principles of "one country, two systems" are the essential guarantee for Macao's long-term stability and prosperity. ... People in Macao are fully capable of building a better Macao," Hu added.

  Chui thanked the central government for the trust and support, vowing to work hard to live up to the expectations of the central government and the Macao people.

  The State Council (Cabinet) agreed Monday to appoint Chui as the Macao SAR's new chief executive.

  Chui, 52, the only contender in the third chief executive election of the Macao SAR, was declared the winner on July 26.





