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来源:网络来源 2009-08-29 22:03:29

[标签:总统 感染 甲流]




  公报说,阿里亚斯9日出现喉咙疼痛和发热等流感症状。鉴于他有哮喘病史,属于甲型H 1N 1流感高危人群,医生随即对他进行了病毒测试。11日的检测结果显示,阿里亚斯感染了甲型H1N1流感病毒。


  Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Tuesday confirmed that he was infected with influenza A/H1N1.

  Arias, 68, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, suffers a mild case of the virus for which he tested positive on Tuesday, the government said earlier.

  The president confirmed it in a statement, saying that apart from fever and a soar throat, he felt well and was in good shape to carry out some of his work by telecommuting.

  Arias will remain isolated at home. "The epidemic does not discriminate. I am subject to the same recommendations the health authorities have for all the people," he said in the statement.

  Arias said he expected to return to full duties on Monday. For the moment, some of his duties have been assigned to cabinet ministers.

  Arias first became president in 1986. After a 16-year absence from the presidential palace, he was reelected president in 2006. His current term expires on May 8, 2010.

  According to a latest report from the Costa Rican health authorities, 27 patients have died from A/H1N1 flu and 798 were infected with the disease in the country.






