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高一英语上学期Unit 1练习与巩固(一)

来源:网络资源 2009-08-17 20:27:04

[标签:高一 英语]

  高一英语上学期Unit 1 练习与巩固 ()


  一、 单选

  1 .All passengers could get ________ as soon as they got onto the ship.

  A. food for free      B. for free food     C. for food free     D. food freely

  2. If most breadwinners ________ a day's pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful.

  A. gift      B. donate       C. present      D  give

  3. ---I'd like to book a room for tonight. ---Sorry, sir, but we don't have any rooms________ right now.                   A. unable    B. comfortable    C. available   D .suitable

  4. For the young, ______ should be showed to their parents, teachers and old people.

  A. respect       B. seriousness    C. laugh     D.laziness

  5. This kind of exercise is most _______, and therefore is a good test of your students' ability.

  A. surprising       B. encouraging    C. exciting       D. challenging

  6. Only by hard working can you _______ the goal.

  A. achieve      B. receive      C. make     D. take

  7. She _______ me ______ her parents as I met them for the first time.

  A. showed; to        B. drove; to      C. brought; to     D. introduced; to

  8. When we are doing an experiment, we usually spend two hours with a short         in the middle.   A. break    B. resting   C. breaking   D. broken






