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首页 > 高考总复习 > 高考英语复习方法 > 09高考英语专项复习:单项选择题及详解<3>(2)


2009-05-26 09:34:11网络资源


  11. —      do you like the film tonight?

  —Better than       .

  A. How; expected      B. What; expected

  C. How; to expect      D. What; to expected

  选A。How do you like sth. 认为某事如何; than expected 为than it is expected的省略式,意为“比预期的……”。

  12. Let’s keep to the point, or we     any decisions.

  A. will never reach    B. have never reached

  C. never reach       D. never reached


  13. If you stand here, you’ll get a better      of the river.

  A. sight    B. view   C. scene   D. scenery


  14. He is taller than he        .

  A. used        B. used to be

  C. used to      D. used to do

  选B。学生在做该题时,极易选择C,原因是为了避免重复已经出现的动词,以不定式to来代替整个不定式结构,而正确的答案是B。如果在省略的动词不定式结构中含有be, have或have been,通常保留be, have been。又如:

  —Are you o holidays?   —你在度假吗?

  —No, but I’d like to be. —不是,但我倒愿意。

  15. The news       is spreading around the airport is        a heavy storm is coming.

  A. what; /       B. that; that

  C. /; that        D. that; which


  16. Our teacher is always busy preparing lessons until 11 o’clock at night,        we students have gone to sleep.

  A. that time       B. by which time

  C. by that time     D. which time

  选B。句意为“我们的老师总是忙着备课到晚上11点钟,那时我们已经睡了”。by意为“到……时(为止)”,which time 指代 “11 o’clock at night’。

  17. I think whoever makes      contributions to the company than the others should get      income.

  A. greater; a highest

  B. more greater; a higher

  C. greater; the highest

  D. more greater; the higher

  选C。more 不可修饰比较级,排除B和D。greater … than the others 是最高级意义,后面也用最高级,且最高前要用定冠词the。

  18. It is thought that one billion people I the world,  _    is half the word’s workers, earn their living by farming.

  A. if    B. that    C. which   D. what

  选B。句中“half the world’s workers”是对“one billion people in the world” 的补充说明, “that is”是 “that is to say”的省略说法,是插入语,that 并不是引导非限制性定语从句的,如果在 “that is”后加个逗号则更清楚,应选B。

  19.Hawking became world-famous in _______.

  A.his thirties in the 1970’s

  B.the thirties in his 1970

  C.his 30s in 1970’s

  D.the thirties during the 1970

  选A。in one’s thirties 在某人三十多岁时,in/during the 1970s意思是“在二十世纪七十年代”。

  20.---You should have thanked her before you left.

  ---I meant _______. But when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

  A. to do  B. to  C. doing  D. doing so

  选B。本句中的meant意思是“本来打算”应该使用不定式。当与want, wish, hope, like, hate, try, have, ought, used, need, be able, be going, be glad, mean等连用时, to代替不定式结构以避免重复。  

[标签:高考 复习 英语]





